
Integrate unitQ with Help Scout

Improve product quality by analyzing user feedback

Connect unitQ Monitor with Help Scout to monitor and manage all your customer feedback from one place.

Your Help Scout support calls and email messages are imported into unitQ Monitor for categorization and easy searchability, alongside all your other product feedback from social media, app store reviews and other ticketing systems.

When you gather feedback from all these various sources into unitQ Monitor, you have an even larger single source of truth for actionable insights to help you build a better product and user experience.

You can also apply your own tags to your feedback to further categorize it.

Do more with unitQ and Help Scout

  • Help Scout support calls and emails are fed into unitQ Monitor as quality issues 

  • Each quality issue is categorized into one of the hundreds of categories called Quality Monitors

  • Analyze all your customer feedback in one place

  • Tag your feedback for even more categorization

Already using Help Scout & unitQ? Contact your unitQ customer success manager to integrate!

Not using unitQ yet? Click here to get started

Need help? Please send us your questions by emailing help@helpscout.com — we’re listening!

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