Infusionsoft by Keap

Integrate Infusionsoft by Keap with Help Scout

Close the gap between sales and customer support

Infusionsoft by Keap is a small business CRM tool that allows users to organize contacts, automate marketing, and manage Ecommerce inventory. Integrating Infusionsoft with Help Scout equips you with the data you need to give the most informed responses to your customers.

With an Infusionsoft integration, you’ll save time from having to reference two platforms to piece together what the best next steps are for a customer. Understand the context and recent transactions of your customers, like the customer’s last 10 orders and average order value, straight the Customer Profile pane in Help Scout.

Infusionsoft - Help Scout - Infusionsoft integration
Example of a Help Scout conversation with Infusionsoft by Keap

Do more with Infusionsoft by Keap and Help Scout:

  • Import customer contact information

  • Pull in key metrics such as lifetime value and average order value

  • Display up to 10 of the customer's most recent subscriptions & orders

  • View recent customer tags and the dates they were added

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