
Integrate Highrise with Help Scout

Get a holistic view of your customers

Highrise is a CRM Software tool that helps users stay organized. Connect Highrise CRM data with Help Scout customer support data to help your front line teams provide more efficient customer support.

Before responding to a Conversation, you’ll find richer information (customer profile link, tags) right in the Customer’s Profile. You'll no longer have to manually toggle between two applications to consolidate customer information before you can send the most helpful response.

Highrise - Help Scout - Highrise integration
Example of a Help Scout conversation with Highrise

Do more with Highrise and Help Scout

  • Automatically sync details from your customer’s Highrise profile to their Help Scout profile

  • Display your contact’s profile link and tags in the Help Scout customer sidebar

Get started with Help Scout

Want to learn what Help Scout can do for you? See for yourself with a free trial — we'll happily extend you if you need more time.

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